lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

2°1 INGLÉS. TP 3

Hello there! En este TP vamos  a repasar la estructura de los textos narrativos y vamos a ver vocabulario. Let’s work
1-  Las siguientes oraciones pertenecen a las diferentes partes del texto narrativo en la estructura: orientation, complication y resolution. Indicar a qué parte de la estructura pertenece.
        a- Once upon a time there was a girl named Cinderella.
     b-  Finally, they figure out the situation and they go to their house to meet with their family.
c      c-  In a faraway kingdom there is a beautiful girl who has a cat named Salem. Salem is fat, fluffy and very friendly.
d   d-     Every morning her cat goes out to seek for birds, he comes back home at midday, but today, he does not come back. Salem is lost.
e    e-   They are driving fast, listening to music when they barely see that an old woman was crossing the road.
      f-    They live happily ever after.
     g-     Salem is at home. He is very hungry and thirsty. She feels really happy to see that her pet is safe.  

      2-   En este ejercicio vamos a ver vocabulario del cuento “The Cat and the Fox
Buscar en un diccionario confiable el significado de las siguientes palabras:

   a-      Hound (noun)
b-      Nasty (adjective)
c-       Hunt (verb)
d-      Kill (verb)
e-      Trick (noun)
f-       Save (verb)
g-      Hide (verb)
h-      Thick (adjective)
i-        Bush (noun)
j-        Thorny (adjective)
k-      Hedge (noun)
l-        Flock (noun)
m-    Beat (verb)
n-      Jack (noun)

     3-   Con tus propias palabras ¿podés explicarme la diferencia entre los diferentes verbos de habla?
Verbos de habla: say, ask, reply, answer, add and sneer.

      4- Con tus propias palabras explica lo que es la moraleja en un cuento.

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